Farba czernidło do opon - koncentrat 1L - Stix Black
STIX BLACK - tire paint, concentrate 1 L
Tires like new
STIX BLACK - tire paint is the ideal way to achieve deep black tires with excellent coverage. The paint restores used tires (including those renewed by means of retreading) to an attractive, fresh appearance. The effect is visible immediately after use and, importantly, long-lasting.
Rubber preservation
STIX BLACK tire paint is both an impregnating agent and a rubber preservative. It effectively covers dirt, chalk marks and fills micro cracks. The use of tire paint significantly delays the aging of rubber. It perfectly protects the rubber from adverse weather conditions.
High efficiency
The preservative is an extremely economical way to refurbish tires. All you need to do is dilute it with warm water (above +50 °C) with intensive mixing and maintaining a ratio of 1:2 (paint/water). The paint can be applied with a brush, roller or standard spray equipment. After drying, the opaque layer is indelible and will not crack due to friction and temperature.
Advantages of using STIX BLACK paint
- used or retreaded tires look like new,
- hides dirt, chalk marks and microcracks,
- preserves rubber and slows down its aging,
- has excellent adhesion to the tire,
- can be sprayed on or applied by hand,
- indelible after drying,
- protects tires during storage,
- is certified by the National Institute of Hygiene.
STIX Tire Repair is a brand grouping selected repair and maintenance materials for tires of all types: tubeless and tubeless, radial and bias-ply. This group includes, among others, patches for tubes and tires, radial and bias-ply inserts, tire pins, butyl cords, as well as rubber preservatives. These materials are made from the highest quality raw materials and provide effective and durable tire repairs.